Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Shorting, manipulations, frauds and coverups

Shorting is public enemy #1. No other system wreaks so much damage, legalizes so much dishonesty, hides so much criminality, and manipulates so blatantly. It operates on stocks, futures and commodities in national bourses, the forex market, the comex and others.

Its amazing its still allowed but its a complicated system, especially after the banksters lawyers have their way manipulating our minds with their words and legal constructs.

Lately the public is getting duped by Cramer's gambit that restoring the uptick rule, etc. will fix the shorting issue which exacerbated (magnified) the meltdown in October 2008. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is an inherent distortion of markets with shorting that has always caused problems and will cause the public to lose its trust in markets. It is the duplicatory nature of the method which will always increase volatility to the downside and therefore its destructiveness. In addition, it hides (provides cover for) naked shorting which is a criminal creation of counterfeit shares that incentivizes rumormongering and short/distort manipulations (bear raids) which can destroy companies, jobs, funds & pensions.

The public must wake up and throw off this oppressive and destructive looting by abolishing ALL shorting. Here is a good website for more info or you can go direct to sign a petition that calls for just that solution.